Saturday, 24 March 2007


I have just heard - from Canada - that that the ship that capsized in Durban Harbour is NOT a result of Monday's storm my correspondent sent them to me in the belief that they were. I have left them in as they are dramatic photos.

Friday, 23 March 2007

I am so sad!

The following photos arrived just now. They make me so sad. Ballito is a beautiful town some 120 kms north or where I lived. I visited it regularly when I lived in Amanzimtoti. The devastation shows that the R2billion could be easily reached. What I worry about is the devastation that MUST have been visited upon the poorer communitoes in this area.

Cry My Beloved KwaZulu Natal.

Ballito - KwaZulu North Coast - Paul Radzio

Ballito - KwaZulu North Coast - Paul Radzio

Ballito - KwaZulu North Coast - Paul Radzio

Ballito - KwaZulu North Coast - Paul Radzio

Ballito - KwaZulu North Coast - Paul Radzio